Wednesday 5 May 2010

Pastoral department of Westminster archdiocese organizes tour of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn

On the eve of the general election in the United Kingdom, many Catholic pro-lifers have been delighted to hear the announcement of a nine-month tour of England and Wales of a full-scale replica of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, known to Catholics as the patroness of the unborn.

The next stop in the tour is St John's cathedral in Portsmouth, this Saturday, 8th May, where the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe for England and Wales will be the focus of the annual rosary rally. The rally starts with Mass at 12.15 pm, followed by the rosary, a procession, hymns, prayers and Benediction. The day ends with tea at 3 pm.

A good account of how Catholics came to honour Our Lady of Guadalupe as the patroness of the unborn is provided by

Edmund Adamus, Director of the Department of Pastoral Affairs in the Diocese of Westminster, is co-ordinating the nine-month novena tour which will conclude on 12th December 2010, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The image will be available on request beyond that date.

Edmund Adamus writes:
"The tour began between March 11-17 2010 with the full approval of Archbishop Nichols, the archbishop of Westminster, in Westminster cathedral hall for a day of devotions with hundreds of the faithful and it extended to three other London parishes, including the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden, north London. Archbishop Nichols granted me, as the designated temporary custodian of the image, permission to ask each diocesan bishop to consider allowing the image to be welcomed in his diocese for devotional purposes for the cause of the Gospel of Life, the protection of the unborn, the sanctity of families and the home and the peace of the nation. This digitally reproduced image with official seals imprinted upon it is one of only 220 commissioned by Cardinal Rivera Carrera in 2004 and entrusted to the apostolate Life and Mercy Crusade in Mexico for distribution to every country which welcomes them."
More detailed publicity will be made known in the near future but anyone needing further details contact Edmund Adamus at or

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