Monday 24 January 2011

Let's pray for Dr Gosnell's conversion to life

The worldwide pro-life movement is reflecting and commenting on the reports regarding Dr Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist accused of running the most bloody and sordid abortion business perhaps ever recorded. Dr Gosnell and his staff are accused, among many other things, of:
Anthony Ozimic, SPUC's communications manager, wrote in 2005 a dissertation on the subject of abortion centre staff. Anthony has sent me his reaction to Dr Gosnell's case:
"Firstly, it is important that, in commenting on Dr Gosnell's case, pro-lifers are careful to uphold the principle that a man is innocent until proven guilty, however overwhelming the evidence in this case. Dr Gosnell must receive a fair trial, for the sake of truth, justice and mercy. My comments on his case are dependent upon Dr Gosnell actually being proved guilty in a court of law.

Secondly, Dr Gosnell's alleged crimes constitute but one case among many - though perhaps the worst recorded one - of gross moral degradation among abortionists. The details of Dr Gosnell's alleged degradation are indications that abortion is wrong, as those details mirror very closely the details of other cases of mass killing. For example, Dr Gosnell's alleged collection of baby feet is similar to the eyeballs collected by Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. (It should be noted that after the second world war Mengele was an abortionist and was at one point detained by the authorities following the death of one of his women patients.)

Lastly, many abortionists will, like Mengele, remain morally asleep until death, but there is a growing number of abortion centre staff whose consciences reawaken. The prosecutor in Dr Gosnell's case has been reported as saying that he may ask the courts to impose the death penalty on Dr Gosnell. It is therefore vitally important that religious believers pray for Dr Gosnell, that his current ignominy will became the occasion of his conversion. I will be praying in union with Human Life International's prayer campaign for the conversion of abortionists."
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