Thursday 13 October 2011

Bishop Hopes to lead 40 Days for Life vigil in London

40 Days for Life London send out daily email alerts reminding people to sign up for the vigil and encouraging those who have committed to forty days of prayer and fasting in defence of human life. These emails are replicated on their blog.

Each email contains a pro-life quote for the day. I thought this quote from day 13 was particularly good.

"Science teaches that human life begins at conception. If it is also true that it is affirmed by religion, it does not for that reason cease to be a strictly scientific truth, to be transformed into a religious opinion. He who denies that human life begins with conception does not need to contend with religion, but science. To deny this certainty of biology is not to express a lack of faith, but a lack of basic knowledge of human genetics, something that is even known by the general public."

~ Ecuadorian Federation of Societies of Gynecology and Obstetrics, April 17, 2008

SPUC London region are attending the ongoing vigil as a group on Saturday 15 October.

It is also very encouraging to see that Bishop Alan Hopes (pictured) will be leading the vigil on 4 November, 7pm to 8pm. I strongly encourage as many of you who can to go along and support Bishop Hopes and all those at the vigil praying for an end to abortion.

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